Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
On the 9th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me...
Hardwood Gingerbread Stout
This beer almost lives up to hype. It is strong, malty with a great amount of spice and gingerbread flavor. This beer really is great especially when it warms up a little. It might not be quite a 100 like beer advocate days but it is damn good, if you can find it.
Monday, December 8, 2014
On the 8th Day of Christmas CeJae Wore...
Sunday, December 7, 2014
On the Seventh Day of Christmas CeJae Wore...
Saturday, December 6, 2014
On the 6th Day of Christmas CeJae Wore...
A pair of khaki pants and an awesomely "non-ugly" Christmas Sweater.
It's the freakin' weekend and time to cool and relax. That's why I went simple with this totally non-ugly Christmas sweater. I scored this one by American Living during the brief period of time when JC Penney actually carried really good brands and clothes. While this sweater may be a little over the top, it's far from ugly. There is a fine line between tacky/ugly Christmas sweaters and those that are just festive and if you're not able to tell the difference for yourself there is no way that I can teach you...
Friday, December 5, 2014
On the Fifth Day of Christmas CeJae Wore..
Thursday, December 4, 2014
On the Fourth Day of Christmas CeJae Wore...
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
On the 3rd Day of Christmas CeJae wore...
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
On the Second Day of Christmas CeJae Wore...
A Red Tartan Corbin Sport Coat and Red and Green striped socks...
It's December 2nd and I'm slowly moving into even more festive attire. This coat is part of a suit that may make an appearance as we get closer to Christmas. I found it on EBay as two separate pieces for under $80. Corbin is a very nice older brand that offered a wide assortment of tartans and plaids. Because it's still early, I broke the suit up and paired it with simple navy pants and a navy blue knit tie.
To add a little more flair I added these green and red socks. Paired with black kilted tassle loafers. This outfit is just s precursor of what's to come...
Monday, December 1, 2014
On the First Day of Christmas, CeJae Vtipilson wore..
Monday, November 3, 2014
Almost Election Day
It's almost my favorite day of the year, election day. In honor of our most sacred right I have donned my most patriotic and republican clothes.
I found this republican elephant watch on eBay. I will be wearing it's matching watch tomorrow.
This awesome republican tie with CNU colors on eBay for less than $10. Fun fact: I used to be obsessed with republican ties I have done sold off most of them and now only own two. The two classiest ones.
Finally, my vote or die socks. I found these at Target for $3.99. They really have fallen off in terms of menswear, believe it or not they actually used to sell some pretty decent suits for cheap, but they do have some neat well priced socks every now and again.
Please get out and vote tomorrow. I don't care who you vote for, just VOTE!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Halloween, All Hollow's Eve, or The Devil's Day, not matter what you call it, it's a time for pumpkins, scares, and the color orange.
Because I don't wear the color black, I have a hard time dressing festive for Halloween. I have to stick with orange, which is fine because it's my 2nd favorite color.
Here I'm just hanging out with the ghouls. I'm wearing a pair of Tommy Hilfiger pants that I got on eBay for under $25. The Brooks Brothers shirt was stolen from my brother which I know he found at the Goodwill. The jacket is from the Goodwill as well and the pumpkin tie by alynn was purchased from eBay for around $10.
It's so easy to look tacky during the holidays. The trick is not trying to hard and keeping things simple. While there are a million novelty ties, but less than 1% of them look good and not corny. A good rule of thumb is a small repeating pattern that is stitched not printed on. This pumpkin tie fits the bill perfectly.
Also, never be afraid of colorful pants. You can wear them just like any other pants but they show that your don't take life to seriously and know how to dress.
Remember, dress festively not tackily this season!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Chilly Weather Stylin'
As fall progresses, dressing for the weather gets a bit trickier. The mornings are often very chilly but the days are typically a comfortable 75. This makes things a little tricky. You're going to want to wear something to keep you warm in the morning but you don't want to lug around a heavy coat all day. As you will undoubtedly see in my blog soon, you can always go with a light coat over your suit or you can step outside the box and throw on a vest over our even under your jacket.
Other men's magazines and blogs have shown this being done before but now's my turn. As I've mentioned before, you can never go wrong with a khaki suit no matter what season it is, you just have to make sure that the rest of the outfit matches the season you're in. In this case, orange and burnt orange round out the dot and make it look quite festive.
The suit is from JC Penny's and was purchased on sale for less than $100. The orange gingham dress shirt was procured at the Goodwill. The brown houndstooth bow tie was made for me by a friend. The shoes are by Mark McNairy and were found on what for less than half of retail price and the orange gingham socks, which garner a fair share of attention, were $3 from
Overall, nothing in the outfit is too loud and the colors all fall into the autumn palate with just enough umph to make a subtle statement.
Just remember dress for the weather but also wear what makes you happy.
Monday, October 6, 2014
First tweed of the year
I hope that you are all getting your wardrobes prepared for fall because the leaves shouldn't be the only things that are changing is the next couple of months.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Olive Autumn
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Fall into Autumn